Tamira Ci Thayne is the pioneer of the anti-chaining movement in America, and founder and former CEO of Dogs Deserve Better, a nonprofit working exclusively for chained and penned dogs. Tamira holds a Doctorate of Naturology from the American Institute of Holistic Theology, and is an ordained interfaith minister through the same theological college. She's trying her hand at vegan baking-taking failure to a whole new level-and bears a love for kayaking the river in a decidedly amateurish fashion. She adores her human and fur family, and also all the wild critters she secretly calls by name. She has a sneaking suspicion that the critters don't return her admiration. Tamira is the author of "Scream Like Banshee" and "Capitol in Chains," and editor of "Unchain My Heart" and "A New Name for Worthless." She is the illustrator and editor of "Puddles on the Floor." She recently founded Who Chains You: Publishing and Spiritual Mentoring for Animal Activists and Rescuers, with Foster Doggie Insanity being the first book carried under the new publisher. Learn more at whochainsyou.com.