Zwischen und
Kriterien zurücksetzen

Wave Phenomena (Dörfler, Willy / Hochbruck, Marlis / Wieners, Christian / Rieder, Andreas / Schnaubelt, Roland / Köhler, Jonas)
Wave Phenomena
Untertitel Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Approximation
Autor Dörfler, Willy / Hochbruck, Marlis / Wieners, Christian / Rieder, Andreas / Schnaubelt, Roland / Köhler, Jonas
Verlag Springer International Publishing
Co-Verlag Springer Nature Switzerland
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Seiten 384 S.
Artikelnummer 44207381
ISBN 978-3-031-05792-2
Auflage 23001 A. 1st edition 2023
CHF 90.00

This book presents the notes from the seminar on wave phenomena given in 2019 at the Mathematical Research Center in Oberwolfach.
The research on wave-type problems is a fascinating and emerging field in mathematical research with many challenging applications in sciences and engineering. Profound investigations on waves require a strong interaction of several mathematical disciplines including functional analysis, partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, and scientific computing.
The goal of this book is to present a comprehensive introduction to the research on wave phenomena. Starting with basic models for acoustic, elastic, and electro-magnetic waves, topics such as the existence of solutions for linear and some nonlinear material laws, efficient discretizations and solution methods in space and time, and the application to inverse parameter identification problems are covered. The aim of this book is to intertwine analysis and numerical mathematics for wave-type problems promoting thus cooperative research projects in this field.

All authors are teaching and researching at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.