Arthur Wyatt Arthur Wyatt is a British writer based in the American Pacific Northwest, where he lives with his wife Heather and children Gayle and Verity. He has written extensively for 2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine, including stories set in the Judge Dredd universe, the 2012 move Dredd universe, and beyond. He was also the founding editor of the British small press magazine FutureQuake. Rob Williams Rob Williams is the writer of Suicide Squad and Martian Manhunter for DC Comics, Unfollow for Vertigo and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor for Titan Comics. His previous work for 2000 AD includes Judge Dredd: Titan, The Grievous Journey Of Ichabod Azrael (And The Dead Left In His Wake) and The Ten-Seconders, and he is currently writing Roy of the Rovers for Rebellion. Jake Lynch Jake Lynch is a Norfolk based artist drawing mainly for 2000 AD, Judge Dredd Megazine and film. A self-taught artist he is living proof that they'll let any idiot in and as a self-confessed Sci-Fi nerd, he is often the first to be asked to leave.