Geomorphology of Upland Peat offers a detailed synthesis of existing literature on peat erosion, incorporating new research ideas and data from two leading experts in the field. This text will be relevant and informative for a broad audience working on organic sediments in various environments.
Beginning with a comprehensive introduction to the history and global significance of peatlands, Geomorphology of Upland Peat offers a detailed synthesis of the existing literature on peat erosion, while incorporating new research ideas and data from two of the leading experts in the field. With damaging effects ranging from the exacerbation of water colour problems and reservoir sedimentation, to the disruption of the major role that peatlands play in the global carbon cycle, the erosion of upland blanket peat is a critical environmental problem.
Presenting the most detailed work on the subject to date, this comprehensive summary is authoritative and accessible and adorned with rich illustrations, photographs and original drawings. While much of the research focuses on upland mires in the UK, the novel approaches and techniques presented in this volume will be of great interest and benefit to those working in a broader context of organic sediments in other environments.