Creative Psychotherapy brings together the expertise of leading authors and clinicians from around the world to synthesise what we understand about how the brain develops, the neurological impact of trauma and the development of play.
This book is a timely and valuable gift to the field of play and expressive arts-based psychotherapy. Neurosequential development is essential knowledge for therapists who work with individuals across the lifespan and specifically to address concerns arising in childhood. Prendiville and Howard have logically sequenced this volume to incorporate neurobiological principles with targeted sensory interventions for lower brain regions and with creative art, narrative and imaginative play interventions to progress neural integration for higher brain systems. A synaptic tree of therapeutic knowledge. - Judi Parson, PhD, RN, APPTA RPT-S: Lecturer in Mental Health - Child Play Therapy at Deakin University, Australia
Creative Psychotherapy is a fantastic addition to the child therapy literature. This volume offers a wonderfully rich integration of current neurobiological research with various play and expressive therapeutic practices. The worlds of clinical practice and developmental research often exist in parallel. Creative Psychotherapy helps bridge these worlds, to the benefit of practitioners, researchers, and most importantly, the children who we try to understand and help. - Henry Kronengold, PhD, Clinical Supervisor, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, City University of New York, USA
"I enjoyed the book immensely. I felt like I walked right into it and couldn't leave it alone! Some areas I read and re-read several times, then was so intrigued I went to the reference texts to study them. I'm excited to see where this goes!" -Joan Wilson, Registered Psychotherapist, Certified Play Therapy Supervisor, Trainer and Supervisor with the Theraplay® Institute