Combine high-end manga storytelling theory and advice with the tools for digital creation in Manga Studio, guided by expert professional manga-ka.
You'll discover manga storytelling techniques, from speed lines to technology, from toning to big sound effects. Steve Horton and Jeong Mo Yang then show you how best to accomplish these techniques using the leading manga art creation program, Manga Studio EX. Every ounce of theory is backed up with step-by-step manga illustrations and Manga Studio screenshots that show how these illustrations were created.
See the techniques in action in The Other Side of the Tracks, a new manga short story in the book centerfold which demonstrates at least one example from every technique described. You can also follow the continuing story as a webmanga available at
And there's more! The downloadable resources include trial version of Manga Studio EX along with high-resolution image files from the book.
Smith Micro has also included a coupon for $100 off the full version of Manga Studio EX.
Manga is the Japanese word for comics. Outside of Japan, it refers specifically to comics originally published in Japan, or works in that style. Manga developed from a mixture of foreign styles of drawing. Manga, literally translated, means "random (or whimsical) pictures". Professional Manga is the first book to marry manga technique with real-world digital practice. It describes manga storytelling techniques, from speed lines to chibi, from toning to big sound effects. The book then describes how best to accomplish these techniques using the leading manga art creation program, Manga Studio EX. Throughout the book are step-by-step manga illustrations and Manga Studio screenshots that show how these illustrations were created. In the book centerfold is a new manga short story: The Other Side of the Tracks, which is a coda to the book, as it shows at least one example from every technique described. The short story will be continued on the book's web site, after the book publishes.
"Horton and Ahn deliver great action, crazy technology, and hot girls, but that doesn't cause it to read like some manga fan-fiction. The plot thickens almost as quickly as the action moves, and leaves you with a cliffhanger I dare you to say no to." Tim Demeter, editor, Graphic Smash ( on Strongarm